First, create your shortcuts
Since Android Nougat, you can customize the quick settings, which can now be optimized with new third-party application buttons. If you lose a view service, App Tiles is a very simple application so you can start any application from the notifications.
To get started, you must download the app from the Google Play Store. After that, when you open it, the first thing you’ll see is a confirmation window on ad customization. You choose whether you want them to be based on your profile (Yes, I agree) or not (no thanks).
You’ll see the same ads every time you add an app: the difference is whether they’re based on your advertising profile or not.
For the rest, you have a total of six slots that you can customize with apps to add to the quick settings. You do not need to use them all. Touch “Select” to open the application selection window. Well, before that, you’ll see a full-screen ad.
You can repeat the process as many times as you want to add other custom applications, otherwise, you will not need to do anything else in the application.
Now is the time to customize the settings. Time to open quick settings on Android.
Then add them to the quick settings
The exact way you do this may vary slightly from one customization from Android to another. On pure Android, you should view notifications and tap the pencil icon. On Samsung (below), you have to tap the menu and choose “Button Order”.
At the bottom of the editing screen, grids that are not in use are displayed, including the six created by the application. They are shown with the generic name App 1, App 2, etc. It is not very explanatory, although when you complete the changes the name will change to a more logical one.
Put the buttons where you want, accept the changes. After that, you’ll see that each shortcut changes to show the first letter of the application name as an icon. It may not be very beautiful, but it does the job.
Now, when you want to start one of these applications, you can do so directly in the notifications panel, without having to enter the application screens.
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