If you usually use your cell phone at night, you may have lost sleep several times with the device in your hand. This is not always the case because cool content is being shown on social networks or because that addictive new game is stealing all its power to turn off the smartphone and sleep. Often the fault is only the brightness of the devices.
But how do you end this kind of problem? Does it only reduce the brightness of the screen enough to solve everything? Not really … There are times when even the lowest brightness can bother the eyes they end up irritated and upset the whole night’s sleep. That’s because what really makes the difference is the color temperature. And there’s even more to it.
There are studies that say that the brightness close to the eyes on smartphones can disrupt the early stage of the circadian rhythm which will directly reflect how the brain reacts to light. Therefore, it is best to use apps that improve the display of content. Check out how some of the best options for your Android.
Table of Contents
1. Lux Auto Brightness
This app allows you to set brightness profiles for Android but also has a feature that few consumers know: the red filter. With it, you can make your screen have the brightness changed to prevent too much white light being transmitted unnecessarily.
2. CF.lumen
An app especially produced for those who need help to sleep better, but do not give up that last look on the cell phone before deleting. The CF.Lumen modifies the entire screen color according to the position of the sun and this ensures much more rest for the eyes. It has additional features in root drives.
3. Twilight
Do you remember when we talked about the circadian rhythm at the beginning of the text? Because Twilight was created exactly to avoid distortions in it. By adjusting the color temperature of the screen according to the time of day, it ensures that reading on smartphones and tablets becomes much more comfortable at night.
4. EasyEyes
EasyEyes works in a very similar way to the application shown above: it modifies the screen temperature to avoid eye discomfort. He earns points by bringing a task automation system that ensures great results.
5. Bluelight Filter for Eye Care
Finally, this app is a great ally for those who love to read longer texts on the laptop. By removing the blue light from the images, the Bluelight Filter for Eye Care allows images to be displayed with much more comfort for the eyes, especially in dark environments.
If you need help, have doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the comment box below and we will try to help you as soon as possible!