Are you still one of those people who take pictures one by one to do the same thing, like always changing the size or brightening up the colors? So ImBatch is the tool that has been searching to automate this work and make it simpler and faster.
Table of Contents
Step 1
ImBatch is a free application and can be downloaded from Just on the right, you have a link with an orange image with a link below where you can download it. After installing ImBatch, open the app and drag the images you want to edit to the area on the left side of the window where the ‘Drop the files here’ indication is displayed.
This software is compatible with 61 different file types, including JPEG, PDF, PSD (PhotoShop) and even some RAW, the favorites of the photographers, since they are photographs without any compression and without loss of information. As soon as you click on an image, within ImBatch, a preview appears below that shows any adjustments made to it (if it does not appear, click on the icon of the eye, above). You can switch between the Before and After tabs to see a direct comparison between the images.
Step 2
Enlarge the preview window to better see the photos you are editing by dragging the upper border of the photo to the top. Then click on ‘New Task’ and select ‘Auto-highlight 1’ from the ‘Colors’ submenu (choose it on the left). This will pull through the colors of the image automatically.
Step 3
You can continue to add tasks while viewing the results in the preview window to make sure the image meets your expectations. Click on the various images you have in the batch queue, after adding the various settings to make sure you are satisfied with the result.
If you need to remove a task, select it from the list on the right (the sequence panel) and click on the delete button (‘Delete selected task’) at the top. To individually customize a setting, click its name, and make the changes you want in the sidebar that appears to the right. Here, for example, we are adding a watermark to our images.
Step 4
When you finish editing the tasks, click on ‘New Task’ and on ‘Save As’ in the ‘Save’ submenu. To save the original images, in addition to the new ones, with the edits you make, click the ‘File name’ box, the ‘+’ symbol next to it and then select ‘Modify date’ and ‘Full Date | / Time ‘from the’ File Attributes’ menu. This will cause the modification date to be added to the image file you have edited in ImBatch as soon as you save a copy. This way you can easily distinguish the edited file from the original in a folder on your computer.
Step 5
To apply all the changes at once to the images you have dragged to ImBatch, click on the ‘Play’ icon on the main toolbar at the top (however, change to a ‘Stop’ symbol, a square red while the process is in progress). ImBatch shows the progress of this action in a window that opens immediately to get a sense of how long the edits will take. If you are doing this for a few tens (or hundreds of images), and if your PC is old and therefore slow) here is a task to take a few minutes to complete.
Step 6
To save the tasks you have applied to these images, and then use them later in other pictures, click the button with a floppy disk icon at the top next to the ‘Play’ button – a BSV file will be created. You can also have a folder for ImBatch to automatically process the images you drag there: create a folder on the PC, for example on the desktop, and give it a name of the genre ‘ImBatch Editions’.
Step 7
To create this action in ImBatch, click the ‘Tools’ option and then ‘Image Monitor’. Select ‘Add Folder …’ and add the folder (in this case, ‘ImBatch Editions’. Below, in the ‘Saved Tasks’ section, choose the BSV file with the tasks you saved in the previous step.
Then, on the right, determine the timestamp (in seconds) that ImBatch will scan this folder to see if there are any new photos to edit. Also, activate the ‘Start with Windows’ option (so that the application opens every time you sign in to Windows) and finally click on ‘Hide & start monitoring’. Now, whenever you drag images to this folder, ImBatch will automatically apply the tasks you previously set by recording the newly edited images and the original files.
If you need help, have doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the comment box below and we will try to help you as soon as possible!