Google Chrome has gained a new mode. Read mode is already available in Canary (beta version of Google Chrome) and you should get to Chrome in the next updates.
This new “Read Mode”, as the name implies, is made for all those who want to see the content without being distracted by everything else. That is when you are in reading mode the only information you will have on the screen is the author, text, and images. No advertising, no pretty designs, no pop-ups.
The new feature is already available in Chrome Canary and can be activated by a flag. That is, you will have to go to the internal settings to see the possibility.
How to enable Reading Mode in Google Chrome Canary
First, install Chrome Canary on your computer. The functionality should also reach Android and iOS, however, nothing is guaranteed in this aspect.
Shortly thereafter, in the URL bar, it inserts the following text “chrome://flags/#enable-reader-mode“. Just click on “Enable” and restart your browser.
Finally, when you access a page, click on the 3 definition points at the top right and click on “Distillation page“. It’s done. You will see your page totally different and without distractions.
Perfect for reading books or large texts
How many times have you been distracted by reading a big text or an online book? This is the perfect functionality for such. The text is perfect and no distractions in between. Neither links nor advertisements. Everything is blocked to the maximum. That is, this is the roughest possible version of Google’s browser.
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