Nowadays we are used to always have Internet on our smartphone. However, it may happen, due to operator malfunction, that Internet cannot be accessed. On that occasion, we can do little, especially if there is a Wi-Fi network around. Now imagine that you are in a remote place and have nothing to do? If you need to kill boredom Google hid a game on the Android operating system.
A game can even come in handy when there is no internet connection
Within the Google app, the one where you can do direct searches on your smartphone or where you follow the news of the day is a hidden game. To access, you only need one requirement. Can not access the Internet.
If you want to try it, do the following. Turn off the data connection and the Wi-Fi network. Then in the Google app, do some research. Then there will be a window saying No Sign. The message will alert you that no network is available. It also asks you to consider enabling Wi-Fi.
Beside this message is a symbol with a cloud. If you click on it, a game window will appear.
The game that was first discovered by the Android Police website is very similar to Flappy Bird. Do you remember this title? However, we have a cloud that has to walk between birds and other black clouds without being caught.
Google undoubtedly likes to hide such snacks to help pass the time when there is no connectivity.
Another example of this is another surprise hidden in Chrome.
The dino that is in Chrome is a simple game in the horizontal, where it jumps over cacti and avoids obstacles. The controls are basic. Press space to jump (and to start the game) and the down arrow to lower yourself. The goal is to survive for as long as possible or until your Internet starts working.
The game was released in September 2014 but initially did not run on certain platforms – especially on older Android devices.
This required a reprogramming, which was completed in December of that year.
The Chrome Dino game features stunning numbers-especially for something that is largely hidden. According to Edward Jung, engineer of Chrome UX, this game is played 270 million times a month, both on computers and on mobile devices. Most players come from countries like India, Indonesia, and Mexico.
However, you can play this title without the Internet going below. Just open the chrome and type chrome://dino in the browser. There you will be taken to an arcade mode to play. Click on the spacebar and that’s it.
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