How to try and install the latest version of Android Q, on all the latest generation compatible devices that support Project Treble. Guide and Download Android Q on all smartphones
Install Android Q on any Device that supports Project Treble
For the past few months, the first Beta versions of the latest version of Android has come true. Android Q is only available on some official devices but you should know that it can be installed on all smartphones that support Project Treble, the tool that allows you to run system images independently of the customization implemented by the manufacturer.
Just by taking advantage of this feature for all the hackneyed people, yes, because the procedure that we will see in this article is not for everyone, it allows you to install Android Q almost on all recent devices as long as:
- We have unlockable Bootloader (No Huawei, Honor and Nokia therefore)
- You must update ADB and Fastboot to the latest versions available by clicking here
- The smartphone must have at least Android 9 Pie or Android 8/8.1 updated to Pie with VNDK isolation and system-as-root.
That said we can start by knowing that you will delete all the data on the device so make a backup.
Install Android Q on all Project Treble devices
- Connect the device to the PC
- Check that the device is compatible with Project Treble by typing the command and if false you cannot continue:
adb shell getprop ro.treble.enabled
- Now verify that there is cross-version support by typing verifying that in the namespace.default.isolated section there is the entry true. Otherwise you cannot proceed:
adb shell cat /system/etc/ld.config.28.txt | grep -A 20 "[vendor]"
- Check for the presence of system-as-root:
adb shell cat / proc / mounts | grep -q / dev / root && echo "system-as-root" || echo "non-system-as-root"
- You need to understand which GSI version to download from this address by typing the command:
adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
- Restart in bootloader mode:
adb reboot bootloader
- Enable Android Verified Boot (AVB) by typing:
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
- Now you need to reset the system partition:
fastboot erase system
- Flashate the version of the GSI downloaded previously:
fastboot flash system system.img
- Now delete the userdata partition:
fastboot -w
- Finally restart your smartphone:
fastboot reboot
Since the procedure is risky, do not do it if you do not know what you are doing, but if you are a freak the result will certainly be excellent.